Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Take Advantage of the Free Stuff!

Looking for Free Stuff!

Invest in Yourself - It's never too late!

There is so much available online now for free that I have no time to do it all.  So far this year I've signed up for the Tapping Solution, listened to several webinars, Deepak Chopra and Oprah's 21 day meditations is on now, Recovery 2.0 will be starting right away and I have lots of things saved for later.  I can't imagine what all is out there as we will all be getting different things depending on our interests and connections. 

For me there's been great stories shared, and lots of information to learn. 
Now, if I could only remember it all!

Online searching, resources, courses and webinars etc is our future. In a few short years it has exploded. Now thousands/millions around the world can all listen to the same lectures and interviews. Hundreds/thousands from around the world can all be in the same course and support each other through online groups and shared comments.

I'm finally using Pinterest, and have been getting lots of great info from Twitter.  Signing up for newsletters is great and I'm finding out how if you follow people you need to learn from you'll soon have too much all at once, so I have several files to move things into.  I do the first old mind download of the info and then hope that I can find it again another day.

When I was working we had the help desk, now Google is the help desk and YouTube is the gal or the guy!
Dona Anderson

Free stuff isn't just online.  The other day (April 25, 2014) I was sitting up in my room taking a break and looking out the window when I noticed the extra large billowing clouds were very slowly changing to show new shapes or tell a story. A while later we got a special surprise! Our new puppy that we'll be getting in another month visited for quite a while.  First she was lying down with her ears not upright yet and then later she was up on her hind feet letting us know she was here and wanted to be seen. (well OK she was really telling us that soon we would have a new boss in the house). That was better than a movie!

And now that spring is here and some of our trees are in bloom, I have visions of cherries and pears in my head. I also started taking more pictures this last year, and I love how you can go out exploring, take a few pictures and it's free to put on the computer, send to someone or just admire. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and bring more awareness and presence into your day!

What's the free stuff that you enjoy?

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