Stressed Again?
Do you Worry about the level of Stress in your Life?
Stress is a serious Health Threat!
Dona Anderson
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Do you even recognize your Stress?
I did a search of how stress impacts us awhile back and in a few minutes found the following. I'm sure I could have taken more time and found lots more but I think this list will make us stop and think about how stress affects our health and our lives.
You may want to print this off and circle ones that affect you.
Health related areas
Backaches, insomnia, menstruation symptoms, heart disease, sexual dysfunction, headaches, immune system, colds, infection, fatigue, heartburn, constipation, teeth grinding, premature aging, blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, depression, weight changes, digestion problems, allergies, skin disorders, changes to heart rate, cancer, eating disorders, mental health, panic disorders, breathing difficulties, hair loss/color changes
Other areas of our life
Work satisfaction, school stress, financial worry, problem solving, anger/frustration, anxiety, marriage/family, addictions, violence/crime, absenteeism, relationships, accidents, poor diet, exercise/lack of, entertainment choices, loss of sense of humor, lack of sleep, forgetfulness, nervous twitches, mood changes, trembling hands, lateness, concentration, outbursts, self sabotage, communication, employment changes, stuttering, confusion, disturbing dreams, loss of interest in appearance
No wonder stress is referred to as the silent killer!
I've written and shared lots here and on Facebook connected to stress and I think seeing the lists opens our eyes very quickly. I guess my next question would be how many do we have? Think about how one or two added together then creates even more and gets more complicated and frustrating.
We all have those times of stress around something immediate, now interactions, activities, work, family etc but what level are you at when they arise. Some stress is good for us, it can challenge us, spur us on, get us excited but this is about when you are already overwhelmed and then more and more is added on top?
How about your family, friends, coworkers, all the people you see and interact with in your life. How are they doing? Do you see their stress?
There are many ways we can change the ingredients of our Stress Recipe, recognizing it is the first. My own stress level has changed greatly over the years as my health and life changed but when I am stressed, I know it still loves to dig in and make whatever hurts hurt even more.
For me, my Wellness Recipe still includes things like planning ahead, making reasonable to do lists, I changed what I watched on TV, I need exercise/yoga, time to rest, music, and learning. Also right now I'm again making some food changes and eliminations to see what helps.
The past couple of years I've really enjoyed all the information for body and mind wellness given out through the Tapping World Summit and the Hay House World Summit both Free online events.
All these little shifts in thinking and habits can make huge changes.
Dona Anderson |
Stressed? This simple picture could be overwhelm, frustration
Relaxed? This same picture could be celebration, excitement
What do you pick?
Please Share to help others!
I hope you picked celebration and excitement!
Check out this post from last year about stress
No more excuses. Take Care of yourself!