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Dona Anderson |
What are you Grateful for?
Our busy lives often leave us wondering where the thanks comes in as we go through our days with work time, home time, family time and all their related activities.
And what about ME Time!
At the beginning of the year I decided be more aware of what I did and unplug more, which I talk about in the post
Unplugging and a
later Update.
Did purposely Unplugging help?
The main thing is I've been reminded that we need to give ourselves the time and permission to live our lives the best we can, to appreciate what we do, and give
ourselves as many
Thank You's as we need.
I found that it is usually always the simple pleasures of life that are cherished and missed so I thought we could check out 5 in a meditation.
First, start to relax and get comfortable!
Let go of what you were doing so your mind can open up to the simple pleasures in your life.
What do you connect to today...
"By being grateful for the simple and ordinary things in our lives, we can begin to feel full, we can be joyful, we can let go, we can accept… let the breath give you fullness… let your joy come to the surface… let the breath allow you to let go and accept, feel the body responding with gratitude…
Bring your hands to your belly… feel the soft comfort of the belly… slowly start to bring the breath to the belly, feel the rise and fall as each breath fills and then empties…
Spend a few moments with this sense of fullness, stay with the breath and feel your whole body responding… let each breath be flexible and spontaneous, joyful…
Come back to normal breathing, and make sure you’re comfortable and warm, close your eyes, and let a sense of gratitude fill your being…
Visualize yourself where you are right now, with gratitude as your starting point think about your present life…
Think about your family and friends, reflect on the path your life has taken you…
What are your joys, your passions, your dreams?
Slowly take one hand and gently hold the thumb of the other hand… now with gratitude think of one part of your body that you’d like to send thanks and appreciation… it can be your feet that took you for a walk today, your eyes that see, your hands… for today pick one part, next time it could be something else… when you bring to mind the one part, extend your sincere appreciation, then take a moment to rest…
Move to the next finger and hold it for a moment, think now about how old you are… send out love and gratitude for how well you look and how you feel… sometimes when we’re young we want to get older, when we’re old we want to be younger… spend a few moments enjoying the age you are right now, think of the things that you do to take care of yourself, the many things you know now that you didn’t before… send out thanks, and after take a moment to rest…
Take the middle finger now and as you hold this finger, extend love and happiness to your immediate family… then think of your friends, coworkers, teachers, a stranger… of all these people, who is the one person today who comes to your mind… send this person your well wishes, love, and thanks, then take a moment to rest…
Move to the fourth finger… take a moment to change your thoughts and then think of all the things in your home or garden, what immediately comes to mind that brings you joy today… send out thanks and feelings of pleasure or appreciation, after, take a moment to rest…
Lastly, take hold your little finger… think of something fun, an event, or holiday that is happening or will in the near future… what makes you think about it today… think about why it brings you happiness, pleasure, why it excites you… send out your gratitude and thanks…
Now interlace the fingers of both hands together, spend the next few moments thinking of the people and things that came to mind today, and how they are now connecting, being held close to you…
As you rest, let gratitude provide you with fullness and deep inner joy…
Now softly say to yourself, I will choose to let gratitude fill each day of my tomorrows…"
Info on Simply, One Breath At a Time
by Dona Anderson
Last fall I shared with you the post titled
Thanks for Showing Up. I hope you visit it as well.