A BIG Hello from beautiful
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, CANADA
from my house to yours ...
Welcome to this New Year, 2019!
Gosh, it seems like only a while back it was the year 2000
Dona Anderson
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A new Year to Celebrate and Enjoy.

I don't know about You but my days go by fast, then the years fly by and the quicker I get older.
So I want to help us all enjoy the time in our life more.
When writing these weekly posts I think even more now about who the readers are, where you live in this beautiful world and how you may be living your life.
How do you celebrate and enjoy the world
around you?
Since then I've published over 500 posts and I'm thrilled to have had thousands of visitors from all over the World. See the list below of visitors this past week.
You are now one of them, and often may be wondering ...
What will
she be
sending out
next week
The posts are about Relaxation, Meditation, Self care, Awareness and I also like to add in a bit about my personal Journeys, Stories, Ted Talks, photo's, videos and entertainment to change the pace and keep you wondering what will she be sending out next week.
Our lives are determined by the choices we make and mine is to continue to inspire, entertain and help you and I find a variety of easy ways to connect with a self care and everyday wellness.
It's all done out of love and gratitude for all of us trying to just do the best we can and making the best contribution to the world that we can.
Please keep passing on those beautiful
Smiles of yours!
Love to hear from You!
Share something about your life and wellness in the comments below.
If YOU got one of the 100 Travelling book - please let me know.
Let's Make this a Wonderful New Year!
PS. Thank you - to these and other visitors from around the WORLD this last week.
Spain, Egypt, Ecuador, Czechia, Brazil, Vietnam, Canada, United Arab Emirates, United States, India, Hungary, Hong Kong, Germany Australia, Unknown Region, Turkey, Russia, China, Argentina, Sweden, Cote d'Ivoire, Greece, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, France, Indonesia.
Looks like my dream to spread Wellness out into
the World is working.
Take Care and have a wonderful week ahead.
Next week we're going to the Mountain.