Tuesday, September 15, 2020

You're part of my 107,600 + Reasons

2 Birthdays this Fall,

the other is coming in November.

Dona Anderson

Thanks to You 

My Blog turns 10 this month

You're my 107,600 + reasons - each one of You.💚😊

You and the other viewers around the World inspire me to keep going every week.

Over 600 Posts

Your sharing with others around the World helps me know we all have the same wants and needs to be happy, healthy and enjoy our lives the best we can. 
I never imagined all that it
has become over the years.

It  was initially created for the 100 travelling books I sent out in 2010.

I just remember reading the instructions to create the Blog and I got to the point where they told me to just write something and hit the publish button - I was so scared. 

Those first posts were not great and it took a few years to figure out the how and what - what I could do, how and the when.

I never imagined I would still be here 10 years later writing and sharing with all of you.

When I look back over the pages of titles, I have forgotten what lots are about, some bring up memories and a few bring tears.  

Here's some info on the travelling books.

Links for Sharing below.

Take Care

I hope you'll continue  to
visit and be part of my
Dream to send everyday
Wellness around the World.

Get your email link to next weeks post,
just a few steps & watch for the email next Tuesday.

Working on the next 100,000 views!

Bye for now.
PS. Hop on over to the 
Archives & take a look.
Have Fun.

1 comment:

  1. Recently a Friend asked if I would be writing another book. No was my immediate answer, I said my Blog keeps me busy, creative and can offer more variety. And, it gets seen around the World. I didn't know all this when I started and it was because of my first book that even got started. Sometimes you just need to keep going forward and then look back and say WOW at what you've done.
