Tuesday, July 15, 2014

10 Tips/Ideas for leaving a comment!

Comment? What do I say? 

10 Tips/Ideas for leaving a comment  

Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson

This is not just about catching up with your friends on Facebook etc it's more about those other websites and blogs you subscribe to, visit, or happen upon when you click on  a link or the words read more. 

It may seem weird that I write this post and share it with you when I have a comment section at the bottom of my posts, but there are many times I too would like to say something about a post I've connected to for some reason and I'm not sure what to say. Often if I notice someone else has already said what I might have said,  I might like it or just move on. 

I want to get better at this because the writer of the post needs to know about the audience, what they appreciate and find of value.  A lot of time can be spend writing many of these posts or searching for things and the comments may be the only form of acknowledgement or appreciation received by the author on the other end.

This brings me to my list of Tips/Ideas - I thought I'd share with you my first go at a list of things that I wrote out for me!  (Maybe, we can learn together!) These may not fit the places you visit but they can give us a place to start from and we can change our list or add more as we go along. (?) are for whatever you would use here.

10 Tips/Ideas to try out:

1/ express about how the blogs consistency in the information/entertainment/creativity etc is why you continue to visit and take the time to read/look at the posts

2/mention what it is you specifically like and appreciate about this current post

3/say something about how this or another recent post tugged at your emotions (?) or seem to reflect upon your life

4/mention the writing communicates kindness (?) and how the site feels like a place for community or friends to visit or share

5/mention how you notice many stories are generous of spirit or giving of information (?)

6/say how you got boosted up, found humor or it reminded you of something past

7/mention how (?) brought something special to you and your life 

8/say thanks for sharing more about (?) because I enjoyed your previous posts about (?) and I wanted more information

9/ask how they decide what to write about or if they will be writing more about whatever it is you like

10/ and a Thank You, Great Post, or a Like is very appreciated as well

I hope this helps as each post is as different as its author. This is just a start at what your comments could be about and I think if we are interested in something we read and do find out it is special, inspiring, informative etc to us in some way that we may want to also take a moment to show our appreciation.  Maybe it's our form of an offering, a smile, payment, or just the sharing of a simple connection.
Dona Anderson

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