Tuesday, September 29, 2020

You just started and already Meditation confusion.

Let's make it easier.

14 Tips coming Up

Dona Anderson
Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

You Want to ...
* Learn more about Self-Care and Meditation

* Rediscover your Breath

* Relax, Reduce Stress, Increase Mindfulness 

* Bring  more Awareness to your Body, Mind & Soul

* Connect more to Compassion & Gratitude

Start where you are 
Dona's Photo message

There are many styles of guided relaxation and meditation. 

And there's lots of different wellness programs, books, CD's, podcasts and information readily available.

Would you want easy words or words you don't know and have to look up.

Would you like sound meditations, visualizations, all silence, chakra learning or do you just want an easy way to start that feels good.

There's no right or wrong, it's a practice that can be different every day and gets better with time - like learning to play the piano.

For me - I usually can't just sit down and let everything in my life go in a few minutes & Meditate. I like to have a variety of guided scripts to use first to help me relax.

That way I don't go off in my head somewhere else and I can go slow, repeat or think about things along the way if I want. 

Later at the end I really enjoy those times of peace and silence.

The tips below are general and some may fit with your practice and others not.  

If you're just getting started or have questions, I hope these tips helped you.  

Here's your - 14 Tips 

1* Have no expectations other than to simply Enjoy.

2 * Self hugs, shoulder rubs, foot rubs and smiles are always important.

3 * Alter, change or lessen what you need to each day and sometimes you can even just imagine instead of doing.

4 * Practice in a comfortable and safe place (if you fall asleep). You don't have to sit on the floor unless you want to. 

Use a comfy chair, your bed, bath time, outside, a waiting room, park bench or enjoy a walk in nature. These can change like the seasons so be open to whatever you need.

5 * If reading from a guided script, you can easily skip parts or change the words to say things in your own way or bring in special messages you like.   

6 * If you have a paper book you could write in it what you'd like to say or add. See if there are blank pages or places that you can write notes on such as favorite quotes or messages. 

Get ideas and maybe write your own scripts to suit you or your group. 

7 * When time is limited shorten a longer script by leaving out parts/lines or only saying the key parts in each paragraph ... make them your own!

8 * Use battery candles, then no worries and always safe if you go to sleep.

9 * Have a timer if needed. It helps so you aren't worried about time.

10 * If you want music, soft unfamiliar instrumental music usually works best. You can even add in singing bowls, drums, rain sticks and whatever, it's up to you.

Or, perhaps some days you prefer a relaxing piece of music that is the meditation for you to sit with for a few minutes. 

11 * Have a blanket close by and use cushions and bolsters as needed to be comfortable depending on your seating arrangements.

12 * If sharing with others, check whether a scent free space is needed and determine seating arrangements. (often in a group someone may go to sleep - if so are they safe).  

13 * Dim lighting may be more comfortable.

14 * If reading to yourself or others use a slow, gentle voice and leave time when needing to focus on thoughts, breath work, or moving within the body. 

 ðŸ’œThings are sometimes more fun when shared and so are guided meditations.

Possibilities are endless ...

You'll quickly feel at home and become a Pro!


 Link to Comforting resources for everyday Wellness
There's More 🠋 - Another  gift for you at the End.

More Resources - use the labels Simply, 
Moving Forward, and One Rose cards
below and get lots of ideas for your own

Links for sharing below and
Thanks for sharing to keep
Wellness spreading around
the World.
Take Care.

 Lots of information in the
Archives on the right side bar.

Thanks for Your visit today.

This post is for general information on our quest to know more about beginning Meditation.

PS. I couldn't end without giving You something else to use for a mini meditation right away - a few minutes to feel your breath and relax. Sometimes that's all you need.

A One Rose Wellness message to help you get started.

Breathe in and out a few times, 

and move on to the 
message below when you're ready. 

Quiet your mind and allow yourself to be
as you are, without judgment, accepting
the energy and inspiration.


Are you signed up to get your email
link to new posts every Tuesday?

More Help coming up + over 600
posts in the Archives for you to
view and share at your leisure.

More posts below,
or in the archives - Web version

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Is there a link between cancer and stress? | Cort Davies | TEDxSugarLand

Dona Anderson

So much to watch and not enough time ...

I enjoy watching some of the wellness series being shared and all the information they provide on different Health issues like Cancer, Alzheimer etc. 

Stress seems to be a recurring area touched on in them so I thought I'd share this Ted talk with You he mentioned doing in the Answer to Cancer series. 

I know we get lots of this information but we do need reminder (advertising) and probably we all tune into it differently and you never know what one will get our attention.

Have a look.

Thanks for your visit today.

New posts every Tuesday.

You can sign up to follow by email to get your link to new posts above.

Take care and have a good day and week ahead.
I'll be back here next Tuesday bright & early.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

You're part of my 107,600 + Reasons

2 Birthdays this Fall,

the other is coming in November.

Dona Anderson

Thanks to You 

My Blog turns 10 this month

You're my 107,600 + reasons - each one of You.💚😊

You and the other viewers around the World inspire me to keep going every week.

Over 600 Posts

Your sharing with others around the World helps me know we all have the same wants and needs to be happy, healthy and enjoy our lives the best we can. 
I never imagined all that it
has become over the years.

It  was initially created for the 100 travelling books I sent out in 2010.

I just remember reading the instructions to create the Blog and I got to the point where they told me to just write something and hit the publish button - I was so scared. 

Those first posts were not great and it took a few years to figure out the how and what - what I could do, how and the when.

I never imagined I would still be here 10 years later writing and sharing with all of you.

When I look back over the pages of titles, I have forgotten what lots are about, some bring up memories and a few bring tears.  

Here's some info on the travelling books.

Links for Sharing below.

Take Care

I hope you'll continue  to
visit and be part of my
Dream to send everyday
Wellness around the World.

Get your email link to next weeks post,
just a few steps & watch for the email next Tuesday.

Working on the next 100,000 views!

Bye for now.
PS. Hop on over to the 
Archives & take a look.
Have Fun.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

How many Self Care Moments do You need??

Important Question

yes, I do Love these 
One Rose Wellness Messages

Dona Anderson
a few words to help open the
Body, Heart Mind & Soul

In these Weekly posts I share with you
a little bit of this and a little bit of that,
as you'll discover.

Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

Let's start with a couple of deep
breaths to Relax

Photo message - Simply, One Breath At a Time.
and then
Say to yourself,

I give myself 

permission to rest

to become quiet,

to simply be here ...

Do you get nervous or fidgety when you have a moment with nothing to do?

That extra minute before you run out the door to work, the silence on the phone, the waiting time for an appointment and lots more ...

Sometimes when I've been out at shows and visitors stop by and see the words Permission to Rest, they kind of chuckle and then as it's taken in say to me ... 

Yes, we do need to give ourselves Permission and it's hard.

Please make time to support your own Personal Wellness.

Little changes can add up quickly ...

One Rose Wellness Cards

105 One Rose Messages all from the pages
Find more related posts at the label below
One Rose Cards

I hope you enjoy the Gifts of my work and the other things I find to share with You in my weekly posts.  

It truly is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. 

Some of which you won't find anywhere else. 

Even my Photo's often help bring it all together.

I like to put some messages on my photos. 

Enjoy the beauty of this time,
this place, this breath ...

My Joy comes from seeing visitors here daily from all over the World and when
others take my resources home or to their work to help themselves and others. 

Another thrill is when someone borrows a book from the Library and then sends me a note or one lady was at a yoga workshop in the eastern states and someone there had a copy of Simply, One Breath At a Time that she looked at and after had to find me for a copy. 

Loved it when a lady last fall let me know she had bought my book 9 years previously and still uses it all the time. 

Or a Yoga teacher now has lots of things to share with the class or a therapist can read a few lines or do some simple breathing to calm and relax the session. 

And this one - A friend shared that she loved to pick a One Rose card to start her day and have something to ease her grief and think about that day. 

 PS. Our World needs lots of Healing and Kindness. 

Please HELP however you can. 

Thank You!

Thanks for your visit and for sharing at the links below.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

No - I don't want to Say Goodbye to Summer

September 1.

Seems like overnight 
Summer came & went

but now it's time to look forward to the colors of Fall.

Dona Anderson

Summer is almost over and for me it always feels done once September begins. 

It's kind of the timetable for getting back to our regular life again but 2020 has not been normal for any of us.

We don't know what normal activities will return or what they will look like. 

Our lives have been changed and we will need to be patient and hope for the best.

I do hope you enjoyed the selections for this years Summer of Music.

It's always FUN for me to pick them.

Did You have a favorite?

if so, Please share with us 
in the comments below.

Photos and messages by Dona

I'm sharing these  photos to help remind us of Summer life, the rhythm, colors, fragrances - all its Gifts.

Your Time spent outside enjoying 

*all the beautiful flowers, fruit, vegetables

*walks in the woods, gardens, parks, at the beach

* or maybe this year it was just sitting outside reading or doing nothing

*watching & listening to the birds and the bees buzzing around

or perhaps just staying close to home 

*watching the sunrise or sunsets ...

Feeding the Body Mind & Soul with
the Beauty of Summer.

Summer is our time in nature enjoying Blue & Green spaces that help us all by reducing stress and creating feelings of wellness and happiness.

Thank You Summer

Links for sharing below,
together we're sending 
Wellness around the World.

Thanks for Helping!

Messages in photos were taken
from the pages of 

Summer of Music posts live on in the archives for
July & August 2020,
You can visit anytime.

Thank You for visiting today.

If you're a first time visitor Welcome & Thank You. 

New posts published every Tuesday, 
and over 600 in the archives for everyone to 
view and share at their leisure. 

My weekly Wellness gifts to You. 

Sign up to follow by email.
Just a couple of steps and you'll receive the
weekly email link to new posts.

PS. One of my Summer favorite things to do is have my breakfast on the back deck around 8:30 as the sun comes over the trees.

I'm Hoping to get a few more weeks.  

Still - Keeping Life Simple.

What are some of the things you love to do in the summer?

More info more often on Facebook

Dona Anderson, Roots to Breath
