Change the Words!
Dona Anderson |
It’s funny how things sometimes go round and never seem to get resolved.
I recently found the beginning thoughts about this story that I had started about five years ago and never finished.
The reason it never got finished is because at the time I didn’t know the answer to what I was trying to figure out.
I’m sure many of you thought like I did that our later years would be full of being happy, hobbies, relaxing, travel, family, friends and working on the fun to do list.
But when we got here we weren’t sure of what we even really liked or wanted to do because we never had time to find out, try new things, and so many things have changed this last twenty years.
I had started with a list of 3 headings:
What I have to do
What I want to do
What I get to do
This got confusing and I didn’t get very far because it still didn’t help me find what I really wanted nor did it give me any direction.
Before a hermit - still a hermit
Before not overly energetic - still not overly energetic
Here's an Example: I have to exercise, but I don’t like it much, except for yoga. I used to walk several miles a day throughout the year, now it’s much shorter and depends on the weather and this or that.
I liked my exercise bike, but it now only gets an occasional visit when dusting.
So how do I check this one – Exercise
I have to do it - yes, only because I know I have to so I can keep moving
I want to do it - well no, not really but I'll say yes, see above
I get to do it - yes, only because I don’t have any real excuses, I am able and have time
Not fair, it checks yes in all 3 boxes!
I used to live by a weekly routine that scheduled my days.
Now I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do, and what will fill my mind, body, and spirit when I look back over this last 20 or so years of my life.
So here I am - five years later
Older and Wiser - Older that's for sure.
Anyway now I have decided to change the words from the old story to “I choose” and I came up with a few statements.
It will be forgiving, flexible, and changeable when I need it to be while still giving me some direction.
I choose a few different physical activities each week that are appropriate for how my body feels and what it needs.
I choose to be mindful of what I eat and select lots of nutritious healthy foods.
I choose to have quiet time for myself and also time to get out and enjoy nature.
I choose entertainment that is positive and healthy for me, my body and my emotions.
I choose to surround myself with people that love, support and inspire me, and I them.
I choose to keep learning, creating new dreams and goals for my future because I want to and I get to.
And, I know that my life will be as exciting, wonderful,
and as full as only I can choose it to be!
Are there words in your life that you need to change?
A wonderful quote from Dr Wayne Dyer says ...
"When you change the way
you look at things,
the things you look
at change"
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