Hello and Thanks for your visit. I have some news today that after my (February 28 post) I'll be taking a break for awhile. After 13 years, 2 Books and over 750 posts I want to Thank Everyone for your visits & shares that helped us send Wellness around the World. You can still view all past posts in the archives and I'll pop in occasionally to say Hi. Have a great Spring & Summer ahead and keep Moving Forward with kindness, compassion and Peace. Thank you and Take Care.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
What dreams do You have for the New Year?
Elvis - If I Can Dream (Official Live Performance)
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
A beautiful Christmas Gift to us. André Rieu - Home for Christmas
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Too many decisions
Have you felt like we have too many
decisions to make these days.
Dona Anderson
Back in the Summer I took on the task of reducing some of the old Christmas Cards in the cabinet.
I was surprised that they went back over 20 years. The Box was full.
Each one was opened and read and 2 piles were made - one for keeping and the others were for leaving, though it was hard to make that second pile.
It was nice to see some family names of ones no longer here and pictures given out for children that are now adults. I loved the art and drawings of the grandchildren along with the big letters when they were just learning to make the words.
I also loved how beautiful many of the cards were and from the pile I only had 2 that were the same.
Christmas cards have greatly reduced over the years due to the newer ways to communicate and each year we get fewer in our mailbox. But I still do love to get a few and think that we're remembered by others after many years apart.
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yes it's a special box I've kept that had tea in it from Oprah for attending her live event in Seattle years ago.
The Tea was Great and so was the event!
So when I was doing this post I thought of the one I wrote last spring -
Here's the link. post I wrote about boxes.
What's in Your boxes?
PS. I had to share this photo from last year.
Timing really is important.
Our Westie Girl Kelsie has many beds and she loves this spare one for some reason so every once in a while if the door is open she'll go and snuggle with the pillow and at Christmas I put out these teddies for fun.
In the photo below that's her hiding with the Christmas Teddies.
It was so cute how she played innocent and looked the other way.
Thankfully she stayed there long enough for me to get the camera.
Must Love Dogs in this house.!
Have a great day and stay well and safe over the holidays.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Another Year that will not be forgotten
Moving on but not forgetting
Dona Anderson
When was the last year we had a break from all that's been going on ?
We had another year with too much stress, death, loss and destruction ...
So let's change the Story to help us Feel better for a few minutes.
I'm sure we could all make a long list of what went wrong these last few years, so instead lets leave that and remember the GOOD Stuff from the same couple of years.I know it'll take a bit to focus in on it and remember the Good.
The last few years have been hard but often the good stuff is there too that we need to remember.
There's been lots of change everywhere and I guess our lists may all be very different.
What things stood out for You?
What things were You thankful for?
Thankfully the daily news is not all bad.
Maybe you had lots of support you never imagined.
I saw a lot of people helping others, bringing them into their homes and providing a safe place.
I saw food being made and served to the hungry
Pets being rescued and looked after
Vaccines made and continued to be given out
Medical workers helping others when they needed it too
Food Banks getting donations and sending them out
Countries helping other countries
Friends starting to gather again
People smiling
Change being more readily accepted and tried
Zoom and other things helped people connect
Working from home saved time, money & more
Things started to open up again
Traveler's hitting the roads and skies
Those were some I quickly thought of - what are yours?
What's on your list?
PS. when I worked I was always proactive in getting things started or done ahead of time to lessen the stress of something happening later on so I guess I've been also doing this the last 12years with these now over 700 posts.
The weeks go by so fast that my getting a few posts ahead doesn't last long.
I think it was easier at work as I knew what I needed to do but here it's made up and different every week - not like a work done report kind of thing.
As we head in 2023 I'll soon be nearing 800 posts.
This was Never imagined in my wildest dreams and mine are pretty weird.
I'll try to continue to bring you relaxation, inspiration, peace, hope, music and more to support your Wellness and Self Care.I hope you've had many favorites or ones over the years you've connected to for some special reason.
In my Book Moving Forward from the Heart the first meditation is titled,
So Much More to See
and the last one is titled,
You became the Beauty
In between these two are 71 other meditations to support your day & life to
Discover your own true self as you
slow down and listen.
Information on all Resources at this link.
Bye for now and all published posts are
in the Archives to view, save and share.
The photo message above is great as a short meditation & offers you 5 moments for relaxation and inspiration.
It's from the meditation Close your eyes on page 60.
Thanks for sharing at the links below.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
What do you get with Wishes & Stars
sung by Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards)
It was a time when Mom kind of catered to them - I wonder now if she was hoping to marry us off.
Not too soon - we were all 4 years apart so it would take a while.
When it came my turn, my future hubby always helped out. He liked to be the one washing the dishes, and still is.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Encore - 2022 Summer of Music all in one place.
Week 1 Secret Garden - You raise me up
Week 2 Celtic thunder - Amazing Grace
Week 3 A beautiful melody to enjoy - Soft, Emotional
Week 4 Father Ray - Singing Priest
Week 5 Susan Boyle I Dreamed a Dream
Week 6 Dana Winner, One Moment in time
Week 7 A beautiful song from India Arie, I am light
Week 8 That great Tango scene from the movie Scent of a Woman
Week 9 Eva Cassidy Over the rainbow.PS. Thank You to all the viewers and I hope these videos offer you some memories, relaxation and inspiration to carry you through the winter or the season where you live.
I'll let you know the 3 most watched later in the new year. I hope it matches your top 3.
Here's a One rose wellness message for you today.
Soften your whole body
and invite a smile to fill your
face and your heart...
Take care and have a great week ahead.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
How many years do we have to do housework?
Do You like to Dust?
I didn't get that gene but still must do it.
Dona Anderson
In our family, it's my sister. She loves to clean.
Hi, Thanks for visiting today and if you're new to this blog. I publish posts weekly, on Tuesdays.
I've seen the list below several times and this time I thought I'd share it.
As we're moving through Fall with Winter approaching ... what will we do.
That was on top of the weekly cleaning.
I don't know if this is still a thing now or not - maybe not so frequent or planned.
With that out of the way it was then time to think about Christmas and hoped to find something to do over the long cold winter, which wasn't much.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
I don't know the title yet but
maybe the Word Contentment is involved.
Dona Anderson
“Rather than being your thoughts and emotions,
be the awareness behind them.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
Why am I tired and stressed out every day.
Visit the Resources page for information. |
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Celebration of Life.
Remembering lives well lived.
It often feels like family outside of home.
The sad part is when you learn someone can't attend anymore or have passed away.
In the last few years we've had several friends not connected to the centers pass so we knew about their lives and became part of their activities but at the center you may just know them from the activity you both attend and some days a hi or how are you may be all the time you get for conversation.
But even that can bring a big shared smile on your faces each time you meet again.
I've learned a lot about their lives since from the paper, and I'm amazed at the stories. Many moved across continent's, countries and one lady moved 20+ times.
Many were quite active in volunteering, hobbies and supporting others.
One lady at 89 was still driving and loved reading, being on the computer and doing activities to support her self care.
I noticed they didn't complain much even when they certainly could have.
I noticed they were always happy to get out, see others, and join in however they could.
And, they all seemed to be happy with what they could do more than talk about what they couldn't.
The stories all seemed to show a busy full adventurist life that led them to this community to retire and for some to find the work they loved the best.
Each had a life very well lived,
and we'll miss them all.
PS. Quote above is from the meditation Words to be savored and treasured on page 75, in my book Moving Forward from the Heart.
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Todays quiet place to rest. |
Bye for today & take care.
You never know how a small injury will affect your life. I hurt my finger back in July and was told it would take months to heal - coming up to month 4 soon.
Missing my activities and friends.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Love Theme from...
Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet -
This is Amazing
Thanks for your visit and love when you share with others so these posts posts get to travel the World. Links below.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Did You do this too.
Write out some of Mom's recipes
before You left Home?
I like to visit the book sales to find recipe books that have a beautiful cover that then becomes my Kitchen Art.
Take Care and let's get together again next Tuesday
or whenever You have time.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
You'll Never Walk Alone
Sissel Kyrkjebø
You'll Never Walk Alone
PS. Some of my takeaways were,
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Look up to the stars - what do You see
The Stars make me Dream
"I don't know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars make me dream."
~Vincent van Gogh~
Here's a little clip from a post back in 2019
Story time - I have to tell you about one night years ago we got up around 2 am to watch the stars.
We had the blankets and pillows all ready to lay outside and hope for something special to happen.
hoped to happen that night.
Perhaps the extra glass of wine helps too!